Weekly Message

GovDelivery2 days 19 hours ago

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Dear OES Families,
We’re excited to announce our upcoming Scholastic Book Fair from March 19-28. Hosted by our staff and PTA volunteers, this event is an opportunity for students of all ages to build their home libraries and further their love of reading. As always, all purchases benefit our school.
Book Fair Preview- all classes will have the opportunity to preview the fair and create a wishlist on either 3/19, 3/20 or 3/21.
Fair Shopping Hours- students will be allowed to visit the fair to make purchases during the school day March 24-28. We will also be open for an evening family shopping night on Tuesday, March 25 from 5:00-8:00.
Friendly Reminders- In order to help the fair run smoothly, please discuss book choices/purchases with your student prior to purchase in order to help eliminate returns.
Also note, students should only come to book fair one time so that they are not missing class instruction. Book fair sales are not taxed.

Online book fair and eWallet information can be found here.

Want to volunteer at the book fair? Please see our Sign-Up Genius 

Thank you and please feel free to contact us with any questions,
Corin Harmon - OES Librarian, [email protected]
Betsy Rice - PTA Book Fair Coordinator, [email protected]

Click here to REGISTER.

Click here to register.

Important upcoming dates for OES:

March 11 - Quarter 3 Interims Go Home

March 12 - PTA Dining for $ - 4:00PM-8:00PM, Chipotle

March 17 - 3 Hour Early Release (1:00PM)

March 19-28 - Scholastic Book Fair

March 25 - Family Book Night - 5:00PM-8:00PM, OES Library

March 28 - Quarter 3 Ends

March 31 - No School - Eid-al-Fitr

April 1 - Teacher Workday - No school for students

April 1 - Kindergarten Orientation - 9:30-10:30, OES Auditorium

3000 Chain Bridge Road Oakton, VA 22124  | Main Office: 703-937-6100
Attendance: 703-937-6161 | Web | Twitter

Weekly Message

GovDelivery1 week 2 days ago

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Wow! What a production!  Oakton students have such talent.  Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to put the show together - especially Mrs. Hunt!

Thank you to OES' School Social Worker, Haley Narins!

March 2-8 is National School Social Work Week. Social workers in FCPS help to prevent social, emotional, and behavioral factors from affecting a student's ability to perform at their best. Their primary goal is to remove barriers that prevent a student from fulfilling their academic potential. Social workers are assigned to every school and center in the school system. Most social workers serve one to two sites. Learn more about the role of social workers in FCPS.

Eating Disorder Parent Information

In 2013, Virginia passed a law requiring every school system to provide information to parents annually about eating disorders with parents/guardians of students in the fifth through twelfth grades. 

According to the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA 2023),

Eating disorders are serious but treatable mental and physical illnesses that can affect people of all genders, ages, races, religions, ethnicities, sexual orientations, body shapes, and weights. In the United States, 28.8 million Americans will suffer from an eating disorder at some point in their lives.

There is no single cause of an eating disorder. Rather, it is a complex combination of biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors that converge and set off an individual’s predisposed genetic vulnerability.

In collaboration with the Fairfax County Health Department, FCPS has developed a web page with detailed information and resources about eating disorders.  To find out more, please visit the FCPS Eating Disorders website.

In addition to the information on the FCPS website, the National Eating Disorders Association has a toll free, confidential Helpline, 1-800-931-2237.

Kindergarten Registration  It’s Kindergarten Registration Time!

Attending kindergarten provides children with an opportunity to learn and practice the essential social, emotional, problem-solving, and self-regulation skills they will use throughout their lives.

Register your child NOW for Kindergarten for 2025-2026!  Registering your child early helps schools prepare and ensure they have the teachers and resources on hand that they need on the first day of school. Children must turn 5 by September 30, 2025.

Families should prepare for registration by gathering documents and completing forms, details can be found on the FCPS kindergarten registration webpage. FCPS offers support and resources for all families to help with registration and the transition to kindergarten. For support in other languages, visit the kindergarten registration webpage.

💻 Try Online Registration

Online registration for the 2025-26 school year is available. Learn how to begin the online registration process

When registering, parents will create (or log in to an existing) SIS ParentVUE account

Oakton's Kindergarten Orientation will be held on Tuesday, April 1 at 9:30AM.

Click here to REGISTER.

Volunteers, sign up HERE

Important upcoming dates for OES:

March 5 - PTA Meeting - 7:00PM, ZOOM

March 11 - Quarter 3 Interims Go Home

March 12 - PTA Dining for $ - 4:00PM-8:00PM, Chipotle

March 17 - 3 Hour Early Release (1:00PM)


3000 Chain Bridge Road Oakton, VA 22124  | Main Office: 703-937-6100
Attendance: 703-937-6161 | Web | Twitter

Weekly Message

GovDelivery2 weeks 2 days ago

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OES 6th graders visited Thoreau Middle School this week to learn about classes, clubs, and 7th grade expectations.

Students in Mrs. Penney's 4th grade class kicked off their Benchmark "Technology for Tomorrow" unit by participating in an "Iron Chef"-like competition.  Students shared their ideas for a futuristic school.  Designs included hoverboards instead of buses, waterslides instead of stairs, and VR glasses for learning instead of books.

EARLY RELEASE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24 1:00 PM Kindergarten Registration  It’s Kindergarten Registration Time!

Attending kindergarten provides children with an opportunity to learn and practice the essential social, emotional, problem-solving, and self-regulation skills they will use throughout their lives.

Register your child NOW for Kindergarten for 2025-2026!  Registering your child early helps schools prepare and ensure they have the teachers and resources on hand that they need on the first day of school. Children must turn 5 by September 30, 2025.

Families should prepare for registration by gathering documents and completing forms, details can be found on the FCPS kindergarten registration webpage. FCPS offers support and resources for all families to help with registration and the transition to kindergarten. For support in other languages, visit the kindergarten registration webpage.

💻 Try Online Registration

Online registration for the 2025-26 school year is available. Learn how to begin the online registration process

When registering, parents will create (or log in to an existing) SIS ParentVUE account

Oakton's Kindergarten Orientation will be held on Tuesday, April 1 at 9:30AM.




Volunteers, sign up HERE

Important upcoming dates for OES:

February 24 - 3 Hour Early Release (1:00PM)

February 26 - PTA Dining for $ - 4:00PM - 9:05PM, Big Buns - Vienna

February 26 - Variety Show - 7:00PM, OES Auditorium

February 27 - Variety Show - 7:00PM, OES Auditorium

February 28 - Last Day to buy a yearbook!

March 5 - PTA Meeting - 7:00PM, ZOOM

March 17 - 3 Hour Early Release (1:00PM)

3000 Chain Bridge Road Oakton, VA 22124  | Main Office: 703-937-6100
Attendance: 703-937-6161 | Web | Twitter

Weekly Message

GovDelivery3 weeks 2 days ago

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Our kindergarteners celebrated the 100th day of school on Thursday!

A message from Twin Oaks Plaza:

Cameras in the Twin Oaks Plaza are being updated and will be monitored regularly. Individuals who use the parking lot for services that are not located in Twin Oaks Plaza, or have been parked for an extended period without use of any services within the plaza, will be subject to towing at the vehicle owner's expense.

Order your shirt here!

Kindergarten Registration  It’s Kindergarten Registration Time!

Attending kindergarten provides children with an opportunity to learn and practice the essential social, emotional, problem-solving, and self-regulation skills they will use throughout their lives.

Register your child NOW for Kindergarten for 2025-2026!  Registering your child early helps schools prepare and ensure they have the teachers and resources on hand that they need on the first day of school. Children must turn 5 by September 30, 2025.

Families should prepare for registration by gathering documents and completing forms, details can be found on the FCPS kindergarten registration webpage. FCPS offers support and resources for all families to help with registration and the transition to kindergarten. For support in other languages, visit the kindergarten registration webpage.

💻 Try Online Registration

Online registration for the 2025-26 school year is available. Learn how to begin the online registration process

When registering, parents will create (or log in to an existing) SIS ParentVUE account

Oakton's Kindergarten Orientation will be held on Tuesday, April 1 at 9:30AM.

Join our WhatsApp Group Here!

For more information, email Oakton ES PTA's VP of Programs, at [email protected], or the U.S. Chess Center at [email protected]

Register by February 17:  https://chessctr.org/oakton/

Register here!




Important upcoming dates for OES:

February 17 - No School - Presidents' Day

February 24 - 3 Hour Early Release (1:00PM)

February 26 - PTA Dining for $ - 4:00PM - 9:05PM, Big Buns - Vienna

February 26 - Variety Show - 7:00PM, OES Auditorium

February 27 - Variety Show - 7:00PM, OES Auditorium

February 28 - Last Day to buy a yearbook!

March 5 - PTA Meeting - 7:00PM, ZOOM

3000 Chain Bridge Road Oakton, VA 22124  | Main Office: 703-937-6100
Attendance: 703-937-6161 | Web | Twitter

Weekly Message

GovDelivery1 month ago

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Several cases of influenza-like illness have been reported in our school.  Children with influenza-like illness have cough and congestion, and may have fever, chills, sore throat, headache, body aches, and feeling tired (fatigue).  Illness may be caused by the influenza virus or by other types of viruses.

The Health Department recommends that you and your family members take the following steps to protect yourselves and others from influenza and other respiratory illnesses:

  • Vaccinate your child and yourself against influenza this year and every year. As long as influenza is circulating in our community it is not too late to get a vaccine.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after coughing or sneezing. Teach your children to wash their hands frequently with soap and water for 20 seconds. Be sure to set a good example by doing this yourself. If soap and water are not available, alcohol-based hand sanitizers may be used.
  • Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue and throw tissues in the trash after use. If tissues are not available, cover coughs and sneezes with your upper sleeve
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. Germs spread this way. 
  • Try to avoid close contact with individuals who have influenza-like symptoms.
  • Monitor your child for signs of influenza-like illness.
  • Do not send any child experiencing influenza-like symptoms to school. If your child comes to school with the symptoms described above, he or she may be sent home. Keep your child home and away from others until the child has been symptom free and without fever for at least 24 hours without the use of medication (i.e. he or she should not attend school, school functions, sporting or extracurricular activities, or leave the home except to seek medical care).
  • Consult with your child’s health care provider regarding possible use of medication that treats influenza if your child has a chronic medical condition, an illness that weakens their immunity, or who are receiving long-term aspirin therapy.

We encourage you to put this information into practice to help your child stay healthy and to prevent others from getting sick. If you have questions regarding this information, please contact your health care provider or the School Public Health Nurse, Yara Natour RN 571-544-2095.

Kindergarten Registration  It’s Kindergarten Registration Time!

Attending kindergarten provides children with an opportunity to learn and practice the essential social, emotional, problem-solving, and self-regulation skills they will use throughout their lives.

Register your child NOW for Kindergarten for 2025-2026!  Registering your child early helps schools prepare and ensure they have the teachers and resources on hand that they need on the first day of school. Children must turn 5 by September 30, 2025.

Families should prepare for registration by gathering documents and completing forms, details can be found on the FCPS kindergarten registration webpage. FCPS offers support and resources for all families to help with registration and the transition to kindergarten. For support in other languages, visit the kindergarten registration webpage.

💻 Try Online Registration

Online registration for the 2025-26 school year is available. Learn how to begin the online registration process

When registering, parents will create (or log in to an existing) SIS ParentVUE account

Oakton's Kindergarten Orientation will be held on Tuesday, April 1 at 9:30AM.

Dual Language Immersion Lottery Registration

Countywide lottery registration for the Dual Language Immersion (DLI) program for first graders in the 2025-26 school year is open through Thursday, February 13, at 4 p.m. Current pre-K students may apply for the kindergarten immersion program through Thursday, March 6, at 4 p.m.  

Dual Language Immersion is available in French, German, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish. 

Interested parents/caregivers may attend an informational meeting at the school site. Visit the Dual Language Immersion Program registration page for a list of meetings by language offered

Get more details on the DLI Program webpage.

Black History Month

Black History Month is an annual celebration of achievements by African Americans and a time for recognizing their central role in U.S. history. Learn more about the heritage months, celebrations, and traditions celebrated in FCPS. Learn more about Black History month

Upcoming Webinars through the Family Resource Center with Dr. Dalton:

Parenting an Anxious Child :Counterintuitive yet Evidence-Based Skills and Strategies

February 21, 2025

1 - 2:30 p.m.

Join Dr. Jonathan Dalton, PhD, founder and director of the Center for Anxiety and Behavioral Change as he reviews the important differences between healthy and unhealthy anxiety with a focus on the role of avoidance in creating and maintaining anxiety disorders. We will discuss specific parenting techniques and approaches that families can begin using immediately to help reduce their children's experience of anxiety. 

Register here

Anxiety in the Context of Autism: What Parents Need to Know

March 7, 2025

10 - 11:30 a.m.

Join Dr. Jonathan Dalton, PhD, founder and director of the Center for Anxiety and Behavioral Change as he presents on the critical differences in the treatment of anxiety in Neurotypical (allistic) and Autistic children.  We will focus on the differences between fear and dread and why traditional anxiety treatment approaches are often insufficient when treating Autistic youth.  We will build parenting skills that families can use to help relieve the anxious suffering of their autistic children.

Register here

For more information, email Oakton ES PTA's VP of Programs, at [email protected], or the U.S. Chess Center at [email protected]

Register by February 17:  https://chessctr.org/oakton/

Register here!




Important upcoming dates for OES:

February 17 - No School - Presidents' Day

February 24 - 3 Hour Early Release (1:00PM)

February 26 - PTA Dining for $ - 4:00PM - 9:05PM, Big Buns - Vienna

February 26 - Variety Show - 7:00PM, OES Auditorium

February 27 - Variety Show - 7:00PM, OES Auditorium

February 28 - Last Day to buy a yearbook!

March 5 - PTA Meeting - 7:00PM, ZOOM

3000 Chain Bridge Road Oakton, VA 22124  | Main Office: 703-937-6100
Attendance: 703-937-6161 | Web | Twitter

Weekly Message

GovDelivery1 month 1 week ago

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Fascinated! Our third graders learned from a Freshwater Ecologist from Fairfax County Stormwater Management today.

National School Counseling Week highlights the tremendous impact school counselors have in helping students achieve school success and plan for a career. 

School counselors work with students in a variety of different capacities, whether it is through classroom lessons, group sessions, or individual counseling. We are very fortunate to have fantastic school counselors at OES!  Thank you Mrs. Cahuantzi and Ms Jun for all you do for our students, staff, and families.

Kindergarten Registration  It’s Kindergarten Registration Time!

Attending kindergarten provides children with an opportunity to learn and practice the essential social, emotional, problem-solving, and self-regulation skills they will use throughout their lives.

Register your child NOW for Kindergarten for 2025-2026!  Registering your child early helps schools prepare and ensure they have the teachers and resources on hand that they need on the first day of school. Children must turn 5 by September 30, 2025.

Families should prepare for registration by gathering documents and completing forms, details can be found on the FCPS kindergarten registration webpage. FCPS offers support and resources for all families to help with registration and the transition to kindergarten. For support in other languages, visit the kindergarten registration webpage.

💻 Try Online Registration

Online registration for the 2025-26 school year is available. Learn how to begin the online registration process

When registering, parents will create (or log in to an existing) SIS ParentVUE account

Oakton's Kindergarten Orientation will be held on Tuesday, April 1 at 9:30AM.

Black History Month

Black History Month is an annual celebration of achievements by African Americans and a time for recognizing their central role in U.S. history. Learn more about the heritage months, celebrations, and traditions celebrated in FCPS. Learn more about Black History month

SR&R and Cell Phone Policy Survey

All FCPS families and middle and high school students have received an invitation to participate in a survey about FCPS’ Student Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R), cell phone policy, and cell phone storage options. The survey will be available through Monday, February 3. Please take a few moments to share your feedback and help FCPS make informed, inclusive decisions for all of our schools!

For more information, email Oakton ES PTA's VP of Programs, at [email protected], or the U.S. Chess Center at [email protected]

Register by February 17:  https://chessctr.org/oakton/

Register here!

G-Drive Link: 2024-2025 (Please Label with Grade/Teacher) 

QR Code is attached/ Link: https://photos.jostens.com/U9FK4G  

Important upcoming dates for OES:

February 4 - Progress Reports Go Home

February 5 - Spelling Bee - 4:45PM, OES Auditorium

February 7 - Skate Night, SkateQuest of Reston - 7:30-9:30PM

February 17 - No School - Presidents' Day

February 24 - 3 Hour Early Release (1:00PM)

February 26 - Variety Show - 7:00PM, OES Auditorium

February 27 - Variety Show - 7:00PM, OES Auditorium

3000 Chain Bridge Road Oakton, VA 22124  | Main Office: 703-937-6100
Attendance: 703-937-6161 | Web | Twitter

Weekly Message

GovDelivery1 month 2 weeks ago

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"Who wants to be a... pilot? ✈️ A writer? 🎨 A builder? 👷‍♀️ A dentist?  Our Career Fair was a hit! Thanks to all the incredible volunteers who shared their expertise with our curious minds. And thank you to Ms. Jun and Mrs. Cahuantzi for organizing this special event.  

SR&R and Cell Phone Policy Survey

All FCPS families and middle and high school students have received an invitation to participate in a survey about FCPS’ Student Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R), cell phone policy, and cell phone storage options. The survey will be available through Monday, February 3. Please take a few moments to share your feedback and help FCPS make informed, inclusive decisions for all of our schools!


The Oakton Chess Club is registering new members now! Students can register and pay for membership for the spring session at the following website: https://chessctr.org/oakton. Students must be at least in 2nd grade or above to join. The new session runs February 4 - May 27. The chess club will be meeting on Tuesdays, 4-5:30 pm. Members have the opportunity to compete in the inter-school league run by US Chess Center. Please contact Marlena Wu at [email protected] if you have any questions. 

G-Drive Link: 2024-2025 (Please Label with Grade/Teacher) 

QR Code is attached/ Link: https://photos.jostens.com/U9FK4G  

Important upcoming dates for OES:

January 28 - End of 2nd Quarter

January 29 - No School for Students - Teacher Workday

January 31 - International Night, OES Gym/Cafeteria - 6:00-8:00PM

February 4 - Progress Reports Go Home

February 7 - Skate Night, SkateQuest of Reston - 7:30-9:30PM

February 17 - No School - Presidents' Day

February 24 - 3 Hour Early Release (1:00PM)

3000 Chain Bridge Road Oakton, VA 22124  | Main Office: 703-937-6100
Attendance: 703-937-6161 | Web | Twitter

Weekly Message

GovDelivery1 month 3 weeks ago

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Thursday evening, OES band students attend the Thoreau MS Band Jam event.  Students performed in a band of over 120 kids from all feeder elementary schools, Thoreau, Madison HS, and Oakton HS.  Mr. Smith, the band director at Thoreau, taught them two pieces of music in about an hour.  The students then enjoyed "hanging out and eating pizza!" The event finished with a short, low-key performance for parents. Everyone had a blast!  Thank you to OES band director, Mrs. Cockey, for supporting our students at this great event. 

Cold Weather Recess Guidelines

During typical winter days, students will go outside during the winter months.  Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately (coat, boots, gloves, and hats) for outdoor weather.  On PE days, students should have a pair of sneakers as well. Students may go outside if it is snowing.

How cold is too cold to allow students to play outside?

  • When the wind chill/”feels like” temperature is 25 degrees or higher, teachers are advised to take their students outside for recess.  Teachers may adjust the time outside due to the conditions.
  • When the wind chill/”feels like” temperature is between 20-25 degrees, teachers may use their professional judgment, based on students’ attire (jackets, snow pants, boots, gloves, and hats) and current weather conditions in determining if students will go outside for recess. 

When the wind chill/”feels like” temperature is below 20 degrees, or there is any rain/sleet, teachers are advised to keep their students inside for recess.

Dear OES Families,

Throughout January, our school counselors, Ivy Jun and Jen Cahuantzi, will focus their classroom lessons on Careers.  Your child(ren) will learn about a variety of career clusters and how the skills they’re acquiring now, in their current job as students, are preparing them for their future across multiple industries. 

Additionally, the Annual OES Career Fair for all students in Grades 5 & 6 is still in need of guest presenters.  If you, or someone you know, would be willing to speak on behalf of your chosen career, please complete this Interest Form as soon as possible and one of our counselors will be in touch with you. 

The Career Fair will be held next Friday, January 24.  Your commitment would be from 9:15 – 11:30 a.m. and would be deeply valued.

Thank you for your consideration!


The Oakton Chess Club is registering new members now! Students can register and pay for membership for the spring session at the following website: https://chessctr.org/oakton. Students must be at least in 2nd grade or above to join. The new session runs February 4 - May 27. The chess club will be meeting on Tuesdays, 4-5:30 pm. Members have the opportunity to compete in the inter-school league run by US Chess Center. Please contact Marlena Wu at [email protected] if you have any questions. 

G-Drive Link: 2024-2025 (Please Label with Grade/Teacher) 

QR Code is attached/ Link: https://photos.jostens.com/U9FK4G  

Important upcoming dates for OES:

January 20 - No School - Martin Luther King Jr. Day

January 28 - End of 2nd Quarter

January 29 - No School for Students - Teacher Workday

January 31 - International Night, OES Gym/Cafeteria - 6:00-8:00PM

February 4 - Progress Reports Go Home

February 7 - Skate Night, SkateQuest of Reston - 7:30-9:30PM

February 17 - No School - Presidents' Day

February 24 - 3 Hour Early Release (1:00PM)

3000 Chain Bridge Road Oakton, VA 22124  | Main Office: 703-937-6100
Attendance: 703-937-6161 | Web | Twitter

Weekly Message

GovDelivery1 month 4 weeks ago

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Happy New Year!

We were so happy to return to school today!  We look forward to 2025 being a year of growth, learning, and positive experiences for each member of our school community. Together, let's embrace the opportunities that lie ahead and continue to strive for excellence in all that we do.  

Important upcoming dates for OES:

January 16 - Club & Candid Picture Day

January 17 - PTA Meeting, OES Library - 8:30AM

January 20 - No School - Martin Luther King Jr. Day

January 28 - End of 2nd Quarter

January 29 - Teacher Workday - No School for Students


3000 Chain Bridge Road Oakton, VA 22124  | Main Office: 703-937-6100
Attendance: 703-937-6161 | Web | Twitter

Weekly Message

GovDelivery2 months 2 weeks ago

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On behalf of the entire Oakton Elementary Staff, please accept our best wishes for a season filled with wonderful family memories and happy moments together.

All Fairfax County Public Schools will be closed for the Winter Break from December 23 to January 3. Students will return to school on Monday, January 6, 2025.

The Oakton Elementary Office will be closed while the students are on break. The office answering machine will accept calls from parents who wish to leave messages.

Happy Holidays!

Chris, Keith & Abby

OES Strings

On December 5 and December 11, several of our 6th grade students participated in a pyramid-wide holiday strings event that brought together elementary feeder schools.

Students had the opportunity to perform four holiday selections with the Thoreau Middle School and Madison High School orchestras. Our students did a wonderful job and enjoyed listening and playing with the other schools.

Happy Holidays,

The OES Strings Team

Maribeth Frank

Jillian Wisinski

Andrew Juola

Dual Language Immersion Lottery Registration

Registration for the countywide lottery for FCPS’ Dual Language Immersion (DLI) program will open on Monday, January 13, 2025. Current pre-K students may apply for the kindergarten immersion program, and current kindergarten students may apply for the first grade immersion program for the 2024-25 school year. 

Dual Language Immersion is available in French, German, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish. 

Parents/caregivers who are interested may want to attend an informational meeting held at the school site. Visit the Dual Language Immersion Program Registration page for a list of meetings by language offered

Get more information on the DLI Program webpage and the DLI Program Registration webpage.

Free Webinars and Events for Families

In January, the Family Resource Center (FRC) will host webinars for families on:

Sign up for the FRC newsletter or visit their webinar webpage.

Upcoming Family Academy Events

You are an important part of your child's education! The FCPS Family Academy compiles classes, webinars, workshops, and programs offered by FCPS to help you support your child's needs and learning at home. Browse Family Academy offerings

Important upcoming dates for OES:

December 23-January 3 - Winter Break - No School - Office Closed

January 6 - School Resumes

January 10 - Skate Night - 7:30PM, SkateQuest of Reston

January 16 - Club & Candid Picture Day

January 20 - No School - Martin Luther King Jr. Day

January 28 - End of 2nd Quarter

January 29 - Teacher Workday - No School for Students


3000 Chain Bridge Road Oakton, VA 22124  | Main Office: 703-937-6100
Attendance: 703-937-6161 | Web | Twitter

Weekly Message

GovDelivery2 months 3 weeks ago

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Reading Warriors! 📖

These 5th graders are passionate about books and proved it at the 7th Annual Battle of the Books.

A Musical Masterpiece! 🎼

Thanks to Ms. Gentile, Mr. Zelno, Ms. Cockey, and Mr. Denti, our 5th/6th grade band and chorus students put on an incredible show.

Congratulations to our Oakton Outstanding Educator School Nominees:

Regina Thomas (Kindergarten Instructional Assistant) - OES Outstanding Operational Employee 2024-2025

Taylor Booth (2nd Grade Teacher) - OES Outstanding New Teacher 2024-2025

Bridgette Joskow (4th Grade Teacher) - OES Outstanding Teacher 2024-2025 (Pictured above with AP Holzinger)

We are honored to host the Korean Early Literacy class at Oakton.  We love seeing these precious little faces and their excitement to learn. 

Kiss & Ride Concerns

Concerns have been raised regarding cars lining up on Miller Road and blocking traffic traveling East. Having cars stopped on Miller Road, waiting to join the Kiss & Ride line, is dangerous and illegal.  As we continue to work together to address these concerns, we are desperately asking for your assistance if you use Kiss & Ride:

  1.  As you wait to pick up your child(ren), please ensure that there is no gap between your car and the car in front of you.  This will allow for more cars to fit in the Kiss & Ride area and not on Miller Road.
  2. Do not make U-turns in the middle of Miller Road.
  3. Do not block Miller Rd. under any circumstances.  If the Kiss and Ride line is full, please find a safe area, off Miller Road, to wait and return to the Kiss & Ride area when there is room.
  4. We strongly encourage you to have your child ride the bus home. There are many advantages to the environment by having less cars on the road.

Thank you for helping us to remedy this dangerous situation as quickly as possible.  

Boundary Review Community Meeting

Community meetings regarding FCPS’ comprehensive boundary review will take place in each of the division's six regions. You are encouraged to attend the meeting in our region, which will take place on Wednesday, December 18, 6:30-8 p.m. at Madison High School Cafeteria. 

Please register in advance by clicking on the date. Language interpretation will be available. 

If you are unable to attend on this date, view the full list of meetings on the Comprehensive School Boundary Review webpage

The Sign-Up is NOW OPEN to join a Group Act in the upcoming Variety Show! Join a singing, dancing, xylophone playing, or bucket drumming group! 

Important information regarding dates and times can also be found on the Sign-Up at bit.ly/varietyshowgroupacts

Important upcoming dates for OES:

TONIGHT - Skate Night - 7:30-9:30PM, SkateQuest

December 15 - Full-time AAP Referral Deadline

December 23-January 3 - Winter Break - No School - Office Closed

3000 Chain Bridge Road Oakton, VA 22124  | Main Office: 703-937-6100
Attendance: 703-937-6161 | Web | Twitter

Weekly Message

GovDelivery3 months ago

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Our students were shining bright during Inclusive Schools Spirit Week!  We recognize the value of each student's perspective and encourage kindness and understanding among peers. By dressing up in fun themes and participating in engaging activities, we foster a welcoming and supportive learning environment for all. Let's continue to build a community where everyone feels valued and empowered. 

Early Release Monday Monday, December 9 (originally scheduled for Nov. 25)

Please notify Mr. Eck ([email protected]) if your child care need will be different from the previous early release Monday on October 28.

Kiss & Ride Concerns

Concerns have been raised regarding cars lining up on Miller Road and blocking traffic traveling East. Having cars stopped on Miller Road, waiting to join the Kiss & Ride line, is dangerous and illegal.  As we continue to work together to address these concerns, we are desperately asking for your assistance if you use Kiss & Ride:

  1.  As you wait to pick up your child(ren), please ensure that there is no gap between your car and the car in front of you.  This will allow for more cars to fit in the Kiss & Ride area and not on Miller Road.
  2. Do not make U-turns in the middle of Miller Road.
  3. Do not block Miller Rd. under any circumstances.  If the Kiss and Ride line is full, please find a safe area, off Miller Road, to wait and return to the Kiss & Ride area when there is room.
  4. We strongly encourage you to have your child ride the bus home. There are many advantages to the environment by having less cars on the road.

Thank you for helping us to remedy this dangerous situation as quickly as possible.  

️ Preparing for Winter Weather

Winter weather is here! Watch this video to see how weather-related closing decisions are made.

FCPS’ website is generally the first place to find out about emergency weather closings. Other communication channels will be used as quickly as possible including email, text, social media, and news stations. Learn more about how schedule changes are communicated

Be sure to plan for the winter season. Update your contact information in SIS ParentVUE, bookmark the FCPS website, and arrange for childcare if needed.

Keep Your Child Warm During Outdoor Activities

We will monitor the weather for low temperatures, wind chill advisories and warnings, and weather advisories which may prevent children from being outside. Make sure your child is dressed appropriately with a warm coat and other cold-weather clothing, so they can comfortably enjoy their time outdoors. See the National Weather Service’s tips on staying safe during cold weather.

If you need assistance supplying your child with cold-weather clothing, please call Fairfax County's Coordinated Services Planning at 703-222-0880. Their multilingual staff can assist with any challenges you are facing, including food, shelter, employment, financial assistance, and health care.

Social and Emotional Learning Screener Results Coming Soon

One of the ways FCPS supports the mental wellness of all students is through the Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener. In October, students in grades 3-12 took this screener, which gives information about their skills such as achieving goals, handling emotions, building relationships with adults and peers, and making good choices. 

The screener also helps students evaluate their school community’s efforts to make them feel valued, included, and supported. Screener data is used to create learning, experiences, and environments for students to succeed.

In early December, families will be able to view student SEL Screener results in SIS ParentVUE. For families who do not have an active ParentVUE account, results will be sent by mail.

Learn more about the screener on the Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener webpage. For help understanding your child’s results or ideas to support them at home, review the Family Guide or contact your child’s school. 

Advanced Academic Program (AAP) Full-Time Services Referral Deadline

The Spring Full-Time AAP Screening is available to families of students in Grades 2 through 6.  It is also available to families of students new to FCPS who are currently in Fall Screening since screening results will not be finalized until late December or early January.  The deadline for submitting Spring Screening Referral Forms is December 15, which is a Sunday.  It is helpful to submit them during the week of (or preferably before) December 9 - 13 to allow the advanced academic resource teachers time to confirm that all required parts have been submitted before winter break begins. 

You can find the Referral Form and the optional Parent/Guardian Questionnaire here: 


You may email Full-Time referrals and optional materials (questionnaire and 2 one-page, front-side-only work samples from home in .pdf or image file format) directly to Ellen Donnelly and Christine Neubauer at [email protected]; [email protected] in one email.

You will receive a confirmation email within 1-2 business days.

Boundary Review Community Meeting

Community meetings regarding FCPS’ comprehensive boundary review will take place in each of the division's six regions. You are encouraged to attend the meeting in our region, which will take place on Wednesday, December 18, 6:30-8 p.m. at Madison High School Cafeteria. 

Please register in advance by clicking on the date. Language interpretation will be available. 

If you are unable to attend on this date, view the full list of meetings on the Comprehensive School Boundary Review webpage

Sign Up!

The Sign-Up is NOW OPEN to join a Group Act in the upcoming Variety Show! Join a singing, dancing, xylophone playing, or bucket drumming group! 

Important information regarding dates and times can also be found on the Sign-Up at bit.ly/varietyshowgroupacts

There are two options to enroll your child in the bee:
1) Go to bit.ly/OESSPELLINGBEE to register online
2) Fill out the sent home in Tuesday Folders and submit it to your child’s teacher.

Note: No late submissions will be accepted.

Important upcoming dates for OES:

December 9 - Monday Early Release - 1:00PM

December 10 - Band/Chorus Winter Concert - 7:00PM

December 12 - PTA Dining for $ - 4:00-8:00PM, Panera

December 13 - Skate Night - 7:30-9:30PM, SkateQuest

December 15 - Full-time AAP Referral Deadline

December 23-January 3 - Winter Break - No School - Office Closed

3000 Chain Bridge Road Oakton, VA 22124  | Main Office: 703-937-6100
Attendance: 703-937-6161 | Web | Twitter

Weekly Message

GovDelivery3 months 2 weeks ago

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At a time set aside for expressing gratitude for all that we have, we are especially appreciative of our staff and faculty who continually strive to bring the best instructional program to our students each day; our students who continue to grow in their knowledge, effort, and character; and our parent volunteers who give support to our school and community.  Thank you! 

On behalf of the staff at OES, we hope your Thanksgiving is filled with family, good food, and many reasons to be thankful.


Chris Kelley, Keith Eck, & Abby Holzinger 

Early Release Monday Monday, December 9 (originally scheduled for Nov. 25)

Please notify Mr. Eck ([email protected]) if your child care need will be different from the previous early release Monday on October 28.

We expect all students to attend school every day - including the days leading up to and after holiday breaks.  

If your family is traveling for the Thanksgiving holiday and your child will not be attending school on Monday or Tuesday, please be sure to let the school office know ASAP.

Congratulations to the OES students who participated in the 2024 Virginia Science Olympiad on Saturday, November 9, 2024! This year, our Division A team (grades 3-5) consisted of 7 motivated third-graders who competed in 7 different events, including build events such as building a balloon-powered car, a gumdrop catapult, a rocket-launched ping pong parachute, among others. Special congratulations to Max Baker and Isabel Cheng for medaling in the Ping Pong Parachute!

For families and students interested in learning more and competing in the Virginia Science Olympiad next year, please reach out to [email protected]. We would love to have more families and fun team practice events next year! The PTA thanks Kevin and Jen Cheng for coaching the Division A Team this year!

Inclusive Schools Week | December 2-6, 2024

Inclusive Schools Week celebrates and promotes the importance of inclusion in our schools. This year's theme, "Every Voice Matters," emphasizes the value of each student's perspective and encourages kindness and understanding among peers.

Spirit Days:

  • Monday - December 2 - "All Together Now" Day - Wear mismatched clothing to symbolize how we all fit together uniquely.
  • Tuesday - December 3 - "Team Up for Inclusion" Day - Wear your favorite sports team gear to celebrate teamwork and friendship.
  • Wednesday - December 4 - "Color Your World" Day - Dress in bright colors to show that diversity makes our school vibrant.
  • Thursday - December 5 -  "Kindness Counts" Day - Students can wear anything with a heart (like heart-shaped accessories, stickers, or shirts) to symbolize kindness and love for one another.
  • Friday - December 6 - "Unity Day" - Wear school colors to demonstrate unity and support for all classmates.

Advanced Academic Program (AAP) Full-Time Services Referral Deadline

The Spring Full-Time AAP Screening is available to families of students in Grades 2 through 6.  It is also available to families of students new to FCPS who are currently in Fall Screening since screening results will not be finalized until late December or early January.  The deadline for submitting Spring Screening Referral Forms is December 15, which is a Sunday.  It is helpful to submit them during the week of (or preferably before) December 9 - 13 to allow the advanced academic resource teachers time to confirm that all required parts have been submitted before winter break begins. 

You can find the Referral Form and the optional Parent/Guardian Questionnaire here: 


You may email Full-Time referrals and optional materials (questionnaire and 2 one-page, front-side-only work samples from home in .pdf or image file format) directly to Ellen Donnelly and Christine Neubauer at [email protected]; [email protected] in one email.

You will receive a confirmation email within 1-2 business days.

Boundary Review Community Meeting

Community meetings regarding FCPS’ comprehensive boundary review will take place in each of the division's six regions. You are encouraged to attend the meeting in our region, which will take place on Wednesday, December 18, 6:30-8 p.m. at Madison High School Cafeteria. 

Please register in advance by clicking on the date. Language interpretation will be available. 

If you are unable to attend on this date, view the full list of meetings on the Comprehensive School Boundary Review webpage

There are two options to enroll your child in the bee:
1) Go to bit.ly/OESSPELLINGBEE to register online
2) Fill out the sent home in Tuesday Folders and submit it to your child’s teacher.

Note: No late submissions will be accepted.


Important upcoming dates for OES:

November 27-29 - Thanksgiving Break - No School - Office Closed

December 5 - Family Science Night - 6:00PM, OES

December 9 - Monday Early Release - 1:00PM

December 10 - Band/Strings/Chorus Winter Concert - 7:00PM

December 12 - PTA Dining for $ - 4:00-8:00PM, Panera

December 13 - Skate Night - 7:30-9:30PM, SkateQuest

December 15 - Full-time AAP Referral Deadline

December 23-January 3 - Winter Break - No School - Office Closed

3000 Chain Bridge Road Oakton, VA 22124  | Main Office: 703-937-6100
Attendance: 703-937-6161 | Web | Twitter

1 hour 42 minutes ago
Oakton Elementary School News and announcements
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